
Get sketchup models
Get sketchup models

get sketchup models

You can change the import scale in the SketchUp Model Inspector. Unity imports the SketchUp file and scales the model to 1 meter (0.0254 inches) to 1 unit length in Unity by default. If you would like to have back facing polygons generated, you can specify this in the SketchUp Model Inspector. The exception is that if the back facing polygons have material assigned in SketchUp. Front and Back Faceīy default, Unity will only import the front facing polygons to reduce polygon counts. Once you have make your selection, click on the OK button and only the nodes that are selected will be imported. This also allows you to select which group or component instance to import into Unit圓D. This dialog shows you the groups and component instances that are in the file.


To do this, hold the ‘option’ key in Mac or ‘alt’ in Windows when you are importing your SketchUp file.īy doing so, a dialog box will appear for you to select what to import: Import dialog In this case, it is possible to only import certain objects from your SketchUp file. Imagine you have a SketchUp file which contains a library of chairs and you only want to import a few of them for your scene. If a node is set to hidden when it is last saved in the SketchUp file, Unity will not import the node. Unity is able to determine if a node should be imported by it’s visibility setting in the SketchUp file. The materials imported from the SketchUp file will have the SketchUp file name prefixed into the material’s name. The textures imported from the SketchUp file will maintain its original filename when it is imported into Unity. When the model is imported, the materials and textures for the model are imported into 2 separate folders relative to where the file is imported to namely ‘Material’ for the material of the model and ‘Texture’ for the textures from the model. The hierarchy of the SketchUp file is maintain via Unity’s GameObject hierarchy.

get sketchup models

Once the model is imported, you can place then use the model in your scene by placing it into your scene. ‘Import New Asset…’ via Project window’s context menu from the menu barĭrag and drop the file into the Project window There are 3 ways you can import a SketchUp fileĬlick on Assets -> Import New Asset. Importing a SketchUp file into Unity is similar to importing a 3D model that is supported by Unity (eg FBX). Glossary of Terms TermĪ node is a generalisation of Entity, Group, and Component Instance in SketchUp.Ī coordinate system to identify a position on geographic system. To overcome this problem, Unity now supports importing SketchUp file directly into Unity without the need for conversion and allowing user to access certain properties within the SketchUp file within Unity which is not previously possible. To use a SketchUp model for visualisation in Unity, user will previously need to convert it to an intermediate format which Unity supports and use the converted format in Unity.


Joe brings that same passion to How-To Geek.SketchUp is one of the commonly used software for architecture modeling. If something piques his interest, he will dive into it headfirst and try to learn as much as possible.

get sketchup models

Outside of technology, Joe is an avid DIYer, runner, and food enthusiast. After several years of jailbreaking and heavily modifying an iPod Touch, he moved on to his first smartphone, the HTC DROID Eris.


He got his start in the industry covering Windows Phone on a small blog, and later moved to Phandroid where he covered Android news, reviewed devices, wrote tutorials, created YouTube videos, and hosted a podcast.įrom smartphones to Bluetooth earbuds to Z-Wave switches, Joe is interested in all kinds of technology. He has written thousands of articles, hundreds of tutorials, and dozens of reviews.īefore joining How-To Geek, Joe worked at XDA-Developers as Managing Editor and covered news from the Google ecosystem. Joe loves all things technology and is also an avid DIYer at heart. He has been covering Android and the rest of the Google ecosystem for years, reviewing devices, hosting podcasts, filming videos, and writing tutorials. Joe Fedewa has been writing about technology for over a decade.

Get sketchup models